Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


Dear God,

thanks for everything you gave to my Grand Indonesia

although alot of problems come out during its development

finally it can generally finish

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


Usaha meluruskan jariku sudah mentok...dari dokter syaraf dr.Santoso, sinshe Iwan, pak Haji Cimande, Hari Temanggung, hm....masih ada satu yang harus aku samperin.
Berbekal nomor telpon yang dikasi oleh kakak iparku, aku mulai coba cek keberadaan dr.Livianti di Kelapa Gading. Ternyata masih ada....

Sore itu ... tekat bulat... aku berangkat ke Kelapa Gading...dengan mudah aku temukan tempat praktek dr.Livianti yang lulusan dokter specialist Acupunture dari China ini.
Jam menunjukkan pukul 4 sore, ruang praktek masih kosong...tidak ada pasien..
Tidak lama menunggu...dr.Livianti keluar, dan aku memperkenalkan diri dan masalah jariku.
Setelah dilihat sebentar, dia langsung putuskan untuk di treatment.
Pertama dilakukan pembiusan dulu di seputar jari yang melengkung kaku ini. Lalu dengan tusukan jarum jarum panjang...di seputar jari tengah tangan kiriku ini...dan dilakukan penggetaran dengan peralatan kabel-kabel.
Selesai dalam waktu setengah jam....terasa jari sudah lurus dan tidak ada rasa sakit bila ditekuk.

Aku merasakan ... pengobatan ini berhasil ... dan benar... sepulang dari sana jari ini sudah terlihat normal...walaupun ada sedikit tegang di sendi..
Bravo dr.Livianti....thanks alot...thanks God...sudah membawaku ke dokter ini.


Friends...are people around us. Family is our closest friend. Brothers .. sisters ... we can reflect and talk to them. Friends at work .. can be a sparing partner... without them .. we cannot do what we have targeted.

Being a good player is when we are not played around inside the game. We can play with our friends, in the rule of play. Once you exceeding the rule, you will punished.

Senin, 04 Mei 2009


Saturday 2 May 2009,

Without any preparation, i and my wife, my sister inlaw and her husband flied to Bengkulu.

"Lion Air" bring us with Boeing 737 big bird i think...pilot Sulaeman landed it smoothly and just perfect at Fatmawati Soekarno small airport. Time said 10.30 am

Romo Dwijo Soekarno with his full of smile, has wait us in the arrival door. He is not changed, still charming as before ( we meet him every week at St.Stephanus - Cilandak, Jakarta ). Almost five years, he moved to Bengkulu.

Bengkulu for me is unique. Small beach bay city, along West side of Sumatra. Above the Province of Lampung. Pantai Panjang beach really give us a natural sceen with pine tree along the bay...hmm...nice breeth...

With his "Jakarta Kijang" Romo bring us to the villages and some heritage places. The history told that Bengkulu was colonied by England, and because of war Bengkulu has to be bartered with Singapore. So .. England move to Singapore, and give Bengkulu to Indonesia...( imagine if Bengkulu still under England...it will become a fantastic city...just like Singapore).

The city is quite, no traffic jamb, trees look fresh....people are moving...means economic growing...crued palm forestry is everywhere...

We finally arrived at St.Yohanes Church where Romo Dwijo stay and lead the Church. He built this new church, a huge building for the scale of the city. Uniqely, he made a statue of Yohanes .. very impresive.... the artist made it from cement and carved with spoon...

We visit Romo actually to do a design for Chapel at Mukomuko... 6 hours from Bengkulu city.

And Romo also has a plan to extend the Pastoran. Fantasticly...the Pastoran has a beach view...

We go out for lunch, and drived around the city. And Romo dropped us to the Grage Horison Hotel, the finest hotel in the city. Then we take a rest. Romo has to prepare a mass at 5.00 pm

See you tomorrow....

5.30 pm the sun set looks beautiful, we went there, and take a pictures from the beach.

Dinner with seafood at "Laurent" Toro the driver suggestion, first impression .. so quite...but then become crowded.

Back to the hotel...and...good night.

Sunday 3 May 2009,

Mass at St.Yohanes church...at 7.30 am..Romo Yudha lead the mass. Some sisters from the congregation of Carolus Borromeus were there. Finish with mass, we went to the heritage places, like Fatmawati House, Soekarno House, Fort Marborough, Tapak Paderi, and others.

Can't wait for lunch, we found Padang Sederhana Bintaro....hm...weird...

We went to Lake "Dendam tak sudah" means unfinish revenge....Romo Dwijo brought us there.

We enjoy the lake with drink coconut water. Romo really enjoy travelling actually, he told us that he drive himself accross the way to Lampung.

4.30 pm we have to reach the airport, after we went to Bengkulu Expo. We reach airport at 4.30 pm...but surprise surprise...the airport still closed...wait until 5.00 pm.

Flied at 6.00 and arrived at Cengkareng 7.00...back home...

Thanks alot...Romo Dwijo....we'll meet again...later.